Sunday, May 29, 2011


Someone pointed it out to me today that i have ignored Men's fashion on my blog, so i have decided to look into it and think of a few quick tips for men too. Cus they gotta look good fashionista style too !
Well.. here i go..
I’m sitting here listenin to music, trying to get the creative juices flowing for this. Since everyone loves top lists, I thought I’d give you guys some practical fashion tips.
Here are 15 Quick Fashion tips:

1. Fit is King
Like these 2 gentlemen.

2. Keep it simple – You want a wardrobe that looks great on you, but don’t overdo it. Don’t wear more than three pieces of jewelry or more than three colors. Don’t dress like a rock star unless you’re in a band. If you want to be flashy, a simpler but stylish look would be sporting a black striped dress shirt with a white blazer, a dark pair of jeans, a dressy belt, and your sharpest dress shoes. You could also add a flashy watch or a simple accessory like an interesting necklace, but nothing more.

Like this Rolex.

3. Change the way you see casual – casual doesn’t have to be boring. Have fun with collared shirts, or take some inspiration from those who approach casual a bit differently.
Like this T-Shirt.

4. Pay attention to your supporting pieces - Some sweaters are lean and others are big and chunky. The first rule of thumb is that your top and bottom halves need to match. If you’re wearing a big, chunky, rugged grey sweater wear a white T-Shirt with black pants.

5. Never go shopping alone – Most of the time, it’s tough to trust the sales people because they usually work for commission. Shop with a friend who will give you their honest opinion.

6. Stay a notch above – Don’t overdo it to a fault, but dare to take some risks. It’s always better to be a little bit overdressed than underdressed in any setting. All you have to do is think about where and who you’re going to be with and just step it up one notch. But make sure you’re not better dressed than someone who is more important in a certain setting, like your boss.

7. Never underestimate the power of details – The last thing on is usually the first thing noticed. So mind the details instead of throwing together the main parts of your outfit. “Details” can include a scarf, a subtle pocket square, or the way you tie your tie knot.

8. Invest in a superb pair of shoes – If it’s one thing that women will notice, it’s your shoes. Especially how clean and sharp they look. It’s easy to wash and press the rest of your clothes to keep them looking new, but most guys disregard their shoes. Show that you’re a man of taste by getting a great pair of shoes and keeping them in pristine condition.

9. Fashion Tees with logos – When you’re going around with a big logo on your shirt, you risk looking like a walking billboard. Lose the lame Coca-Cola shirt and go for a classic v-neck tee or something artsy.

10. Disregard trends – Beware of buying something just because it’s “in” right now – stick to what you truly like. A lot of people rush to get in on the latest trend and end up with a bunch of clothes they don’t wear. It’s better to learn to build a versatile and timeless wardrobe first – then bring in your own twists with some of the new fashion. This one tip will save you so much money!

11. Don’t be a sucker for brand names – Don’t be a Patrick Bateman. Before you decide to purchase an item, ask yourself if you are buying it simply because of the brand name or because you love the quality and style. Ask yourself,  “Would I buy this if there was no logo on it?”
12. Continually cultivate your image – Invest more time and money into your image. Cultivate your fashion sense. Your style is a huge mode of communication, and is worth caring for as much as your education, career, and relationships. Oscar Schoffler, longtime fashion editor of Esquire once said, “Never underestimate the power of what you wear. After all, there’s just a small bit of yourself sticking out at the collar and cuff. The rest of the world sees what you drape on your frame.”

13. Ask for real feedback - Most of your friends and family aren’t going to go out of their way to tell you what looks bad. You have to ask for it. In fact, ask anyone and everyone you trust to tell you the truth. Ask your hairstylist, ask your best friend, ask your mother! If you think they might be too nice, ask me.

14. Upgrade your shave - Even if your fashion is golden, an unkempt beard can be an attraction killer. Achieve a perfect shave by trying a shave brush & old-fashioned double-edged razor.

15. Experiment with style – The only way you’ll really learn, is if you go out there and try new things. I make an effort to try something completely out of my comfort zone whenever I’m at a store – many times you’ll end up loving something you never thought you would. If you make mistakes, life goes on. So many guys are afraid to express themselves through their style, don’t be one of them.

– The most dramatic improvement you can make in your style is to make sure everything fits perfectly. Most guys wear clothes that are too large. Make sure everything you wear is almost hugging the shape of your body – without being tight. Bad fit is the worst thing ever !

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Am sorry luvs but du to school being so tight and u know homeworks and ol that i wont be able to post until later this week..2 days from today..Friday..But i hope u'll stiil visit..and dont miss friday cus i will post some hot stuff..xoxo..fashionista.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


  • Some clothes and fashion trends just don't look good on you.
  • Just because you think something looks good on you, doesn't mean it does
  • We live in a shallow world where we judge people by their looks. So image does matter if you want to get a head start in life.
  • "The more, the merrier!" doesn't necessarily apply to a real fashionista. Quality always outranks quantity. By quality, I don't necessarily mean the fabric quality. It's more about how valuable a piece of garment is to your style. It's about the versatility and how it makes you look and feel good.
You don't need a fat wallet, model body or the fanciest clothes to look good. So let's put the latest trends to the side for a moment and start with the very basic fashion tips -- the 5 key elements for looking your best.


Saturday, May 14, 2011


Intimidated by fashion? Don't be! today I'll help you navigate fashion with a few easy-to-remember style rules.

1. Update in Small Doses

Not sure wide jeans are for you? Try jeans with a bit of flare instead. Head-to-trendy looks ridiculous.

2. If You Think You're Too Old, You Probably Are

When your gut feeling tells you that a trend is too young for you (and you're not Madonna, Cher or Demi), you'll never really feel comfortable in it.

3. Dress Out of Your Age Group

Go with how fashion makes you feel about yourself. If you feel great in a mini and you're 55, then go for it. If you prefer pantsuits and you're 22, then wear 'em.

4. Black Clothes Always Look More:

  • Expensive
  • Flattering
  • Sophisticated
A LBD just incase u dont know what that is its Little Black Dress.

5. Don't Buy Junk to Save Money

Cheapo, just-to-be-buying-something items are almost always a bad investment (unless you're 18 with a great body). Remix existing clothes, alter your hair, makeup and accessories or borrow something from your best friend's closet until the financial situation brightens.

6. Trends Have a Short Shelf Life

Fashion fads are a blip on the fashion timeline. One season everyone is sporting black leggings under minidresses, the next they are wearing pants. There's nothing wrong with dabbling in 'It' bags or must-haves, but remember that they'll only be hot for a short time.

7. Leave Your Look for a While

Ultra-conservative? Explore new looks -- maybe a lacy shirt with peeks of skin -- or prints (try leopard for a bit of wildness). Downtown diva? Try a girly knee-length skirt. Play, have fun, remember that style should work for you, not the other way around. You'll probably go back to your look after experimenting, but with a new approach.

8. Don't Sacrifice Professional Image for Fashion

Strappy, see-through, extra-tight or downright sleazy styles won't ever do your career any favors, regardless of your career path. Many fashion spreads will trumpet high slits, plunging necklines, sheer and a plethora of inappropriate looks in the name of "femininity." But sexy doesn't cut it for 9 to 5. Ever.

9. Be daring !

Dont be scared to try something new ! Something bold !
Just do it !
I dare u !

10. You're the Boss!

If you love it, look great in it and can afford it, buy it. Yes, it's really that simple.


Louis Vuitton the founder of the world famous brand Louis Vuitton was first just a noble man who made luggage for the royal family.
And for french soldiers who went in world war I and II.
He lived in Paris until he died on the 27th of Frebruary 1892.
But the brand lived on..and now the brand accomodates:
From the perfect luggage for travelling..

To the perfect bag for your laptop..

To the perfect bag for your pet..
To the perfect bags for work..

To that nice small bag to just carry to any where..everywhere
Louis Vuitton has got u covered.
And that is why i love LV.
And made it my favorite brand when it comes to bags.


Make your waist a focal point with a fabulous belt buckle that doubles as a piece of jewelry like Katie Aselton does here. While her look is definitely dressy, you can also use this concept by adding a Western-style buckle to your casual looks to jazz them up.


First of all i absoloutly love chanel's bags..they are simple but yet very beautiful.
Plus there is no other like them, even other brands who try to copy them can't get it right like they do, not even close.
Second the perfumes, they can make u smell like roses, peaches, lilies..just anything that they think is worth being on u, beacause u are special.
The prices may be higher than other perfume but they are damn well worth it !
Like the way they aced it with the perfume "CHANCE CHANEL"

And last but not least the jewerlly we all love it, but only some wear it.
From the ear-rings to the necklesses to the rings to my altimate favorites the charms.
They shine in beauty.
With the chanel simbol, just to tell the world tht even u have it :)

What is it that u love about CHANEL ?


One of the best ways to wear a belt is to show off a small waist like Jennifer Lopez does here. She chose a narrow belt in the same color as the dress for an overall slimming effect. The thin belt, worn at the smallest part of her waist, brings the eye to her trim torso.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Brighten jewelry by cleaning it regularly.
Jewelry comes in many fashions, but favorites still seem to be gold, silver and diamonds. Even men wear jewelry more than they used to, opting for gold chains around the neck and earrings on both ears. Jewelry needs special care to keep it looking bright and stunning. Silver tends to tarnish, while diamonds and gold lose their luster from dirt and skin oils settling into crevices of the jewelry. Cleaning and caring for your special jewelry items is an easy task.
If u like 'em then clean 'em.


Dressing the part when you're short can be difficult. From constantly getting things hemmed to waistlines that are simply too high, it's handy to befriend a stellar tailor when you're a short woman. An expert can make any garment friendly. If you have yet to meet a tailor with such skills, follow these easy fashion tips for short women. Remember the goal is to create a continuous line, regardless of what you're wearing. This creates the illusion of a longer, leaner you.

On Top

  • When it comes to tops and blouses, keep things streamlined. Any large shape can drown you, even if you have curves. Elongate your shape with blouses that hit no further than the top of your hips. If you want to play with proportion, do so with sleeves, versus the bodice of a blouse. A nipped waist will always create a slimmer, longer shape, so look for tops with darting or princess seams running through the front of the garment.

On Bottom

Keep the silhouette of your pants narrow. This doesn't mean a super tight, skinny pant, but just a clean, straight leg opening that skims the ankle. Avoid capri or cropped pants, as they will cut you off at the widest point of your calves, making you appear shorter and stubby. Dark or light denim doesn't make as much of a difference as the cut of jeans. Aim for pants that hit at the waist and have a continuous straight line through the hem. Anything severe, such as a bellbottom or flare will break the line and shorten you. Skirts should also be lean if the hem is longer than a mini skirt. Mini skirts do allow you to play with volume, and tulip skirts or bubble hems can be quite flattering on a short woman. Remember to sport a voluminous skirt with a sleek blouse and high heels for a trim look.


Heels always help short women. They add height, and also make it look like you've dropped a pound or two in the process. If a stiletto won't do for working at the office all day, opt for a stacked heel or heels with a platform which adds support and distributes your weight more evenly. For a special event, opt for a metallic strappy sandal that is within a few shades of your own skin tone to create a long look that continues from the bare legs through the feet.


Dark colors can create a sleeker look, but the primary key is to keep the look somewhat monochromatic. Avoid stark, contrasting colors on top and bottom, which will break up your body and enhance how short you are. You don't have to wear all black all the time, but keep colors in the same family by opting for all warm or cool tones in a look. A little black dress worn with an eggplant cardigan creates dimension, as does a gold dress with a peach shawl. Keeping the colors in sync will help create that sleek line that will make you walk a little taller.
Rihanna is short she can pull it off, so can u.


Of course they are the ones and onlies "basketball wives" the women we watch every hungover sunday on m-net.
We love some of them, we have some of them. But at the end of the day we love the show !
Its sensational, we love the fights and the hugs !
But at the end of the day i love many things about them but the number one is the FASHION.
I love fashion, and i love them cus they are fashionable..well..when they want to be !


Who do you think rocked it better ?
I'm thinking Amber Rose cus i LOVE her shoes.
While Kim's shoes are just the usuals.
Its like either she didn't take her time to dress that day or her stylist didn't show up.
LOLZ..either way next time Kim K..Take your time..A new born in fashion like Amber Rose can't be seen looking better than u anymore..Ok ?
I hope u said ok cus this is for your own good.


I'm thinking Chanel Herry.
I love how she rocked the purple purse with it..
What do u think?
Just place your comment.


Ciara rocking her amazing new weive, i can see she took her lace wig off.
With her beautiful yet simple top with a classy metal chain cute shorts.
And amazing snake print boots. loving it.
Are you ?


Today is the Friday 13th of May 2011
Well..It is believed by some people that any 13th which lands on a friday is a bad day.
This is believed by many until the movie "Friday the 13th" was made.
Even Nicki Minaj rapped it "Friday the 13th guess whose playing jason ?" - in my chick bad with Ludacris.
More and more people startv to loose the beliefe now, but the movie is still bringing in the big bucks.
People love it and its all abot the people, ryt ?


Its obviously the one and only Omarion Mr. He gets it in !
Well..his getting into many girls hearts.
Those amazing six packs and muscles we cant get enough of.
THE AWAKENING: His new mix album out now.
With DJ Drama.
Are u awakened ?
I know i am !